School of Art

Contact Details

School of Art
Aberystwyth University
Buarth Mawr
SY23 1NG

Tel: +44 (0)1970 622460

Fax: +44 (0)1970 622461


Fresh from the Garret

An exhibition of over 20 new paintings by William Stevens

3 August – 4 September 2009

In February 2008, I left the grime of London for the clear, sea air of Aberystwyth.

Since then, I have been painting in the top floor room of a large rickety house at the end of Great Darkgate street; one window looks out towards Constitutional Hill, the other across the ruins of the 13th century Castle and the water beyond. It's the best view in the town.

Studio View, 2008, oil on canvas

Studio View, 2008, oil on canvas

This is my first show.

I have drawn since I could hold a pencil, but only started painting in 2007 while at the Prince's Drawing School in London. I work from Life, Imagination and Memory in equal measure. The majority of the paintings here are narrative scenes involving the charactersand moods that have surrounded me during my time in Aberystwyth. All were done in the studio over the last twelve months.

Man throwing up outside a kebab shop, 2009 oil on canvas

Man throwing up outside a kebab shop, 2009 oil on canvas

Winter was tough. The wind rattled at the panes and rushed up through the floorboards. It was bitterly cold. Then spring came and the starlings returned. I could hear their twitter as they gathered in their thousands on the roof above my head, before going beneath the pier to roost.

Now each day begins with a swim in the sea, which is only a thirty second scamper through the castle ruins. On long afternoons the small room is flooded with golden light and I watch ice cream eaters, drunks and dog-chasing children in the park below. The cry of circling gulls is a continual background sound.

Self portrait with a bird, 2009, oil on canvas

Self portrait with a bird, 2009, oil on canvas
